miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2021


 C.E.I.P Mandela is aware of the importance of international evaluations such as PIRLS and TIMSS for this reason we are going to take into account the last results in Spain of both evaluations.

PIRLS: assess reading and literacy.

TIMSS: mathematics and sciences.

Both are developed in fourth of primary education as the diagnostic evaluations in Spain.


System to evaluate:

Spain has a medium level in the evaluations. In the following graphic we can see a representation of the significant improvement that Spain has made during time in relation to the average of OECD.


System to evaluate:

-In mathematics Spain is having a medium level (502 points), lightly above 500 points. This result is below the OECD (527). This demonstrates the necessity for a immediately change.

- In science we are also below the average of OECD, having also a medium level. 

We can see how Spain improved its performance in 2015 in both areas but in recent years it has changed.

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