Regarding to STUDENTS:
- To create an environment based on equality and mutual respect.
- To avoid any xenophobic, disrespectfulness towards LGBTQ+, gender inequality or any offensive action to any member of our community.
- To enhance several values like empathy, respect, responsibility, tolerance and so on among our students.
- To increase curiosity, autonomy and creativity.
- To know how to make a good use of ICTs implementing them in our classes.
- To acquire basic competences.
- To acquire critical and neutral minds towards different real life situations.
- To establish clear achievement indicators that allow the early detection of the students who need attention to diversity.
- To encourage dialogue and coexistence situations.
Objectives regarding TEACHERS are:
- To create a respectful environment between students and other teachers.
- To have empathy towards students and their own situation.
- To make the corresponding adaptations regarding curriculum or access for students with needs to have a better learning.
- To be inclusive through many activities.
- To develop the linguistic competence and special attention to the development of the reading comprehension and written and oral expression, problem solving… enhancing the use of our school library,
- To develop curiosity and initiative, wanting to be better at work and more professional.
- To show interest in the culture and environmental issues of students.
- To promote the incorporation and participation in innovation projects that are adapted to our school in order to improve the quality of the teaching activity.
Objectives regarding to the FAMILY:
To understand the importance of children’s education.
To achieve the highest percentage of students’ assistance.
To make a school that meets every culture for the community.
To introduce strategies to increment the participation of families.
To increase the relationship between parents and teachers.
To make families aware about the methods used in the teaching process.
To attend parent’s recommendations.
To give confidence and security to parents.
To give parents the necessary tutory sessions.
To keep parents informed about everything that happens with their children.
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