domingo, 23 de mayo de 2021


 Government Bodies (Órganos de gobiernos)

Now we are going to introduce our Government Execute Body.

The head teacher in C.E.I.P Mandela is Virginia Ruiz Ruiz.

Requirements to be a head teacher in our school:

- To have worked as a teacher for at least 5 years in our school.

-To be in a public schools for at least one academic year.

-Teacher training to be a head teacher.

-Present an educational project

Selection process:

-Educational Administrations convene a competition of merits.

Responsibles for the selection:


-Educational Administration.

The head of studies in C.E.I.P Mandela is Carmen Aragón Jiménez.

The secretary is Irene Martín Godoy

Here you can meet our Goverment bodies members and their competences:


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